Saturday, August 3, 2013

Society Garlic and Silver Buttonwood and Some Deep Thoughts

Society Garlic individual blossom.

Society Garlic plant
At the beginning of this last summer semester, I arranged to do a photography project with one of my favorite professors.  One of the most wonderful parts of this endeavor is that I have begun to notice trees and plants with a more discerning eye.  I notice if the flowers were compound, where they were placed on the stem, if they were held high or allowed to droop over sidewalks and fences.  I notice how the leaves frame the blooms--when the leaf colours mirror the flower.  

I was trying to find a good example of a silver buttonwood tree. 

Silver Buttonwood branch

Silver Buttonwood "button"

My only buttonwood tree--perhaps more than 30 years old.

 The one in my own front yard is very old and surrounded by a huge plumbago bush--so the bottom of the trunk is concealed.  I wanted to illustrate how the leaves shine out against other, darker foliage--making it easier to identify the tree.

Now I see silver buttonwood trees EVERYWHERE.  Before the photograph, I did not notice them anywhere.  
Single, young tree in the sun

In my own, broader self, what are the silver buttonwood trees I am missing?  What do I need to be focusing on in my life that I am completely missing right now?  If I could discover this thing, how would it affect my perspective? my gratitude? my decisions?

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