Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In Front of the Light

I'm still remembering last night's swim.  Nathan took this of me in front of the in-pool light.  It mirrors the way I feel when I'm in the water--no noise, no gravity, no clear vision.  It is a dream that I can jump into whenever I choose.  

Just knowing that makes everything else much easier to take.  

Sometimes I don't even change into my swim suit--which grosses Nathan out . . . all that dirt from my clothes.

When we first got here, my favorite thing to do was to put on a pair of my most-worn long shorts and a too-big shirt.  I'd go out on the acre of land that surrounded our house and pull weeds, plant flowers, fertilize the tomato plant that hadn't died yet, thin the ferns and cut out the weed trees.  Since it was always hot and humid (no matter what time of year it was), when I got really overheated I would jump into the pool.  When I wasn't sweating anymore, I would hop back out of the pool and go back to work.

Magic.  Water.  Pool.  Perfect.

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