Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tiny Bubbles . . . er, Flowers

I love the crumpled bottom petal and the reflection of the flower in this photo.

Though the bloom isn't the focused center of the photo, the horizontal crescent of lacy stem, circular reflection of the light and triangular apex of my closed fingers, make the bright red a delicious spot of surprise.  
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The delicate frond-like leaves curl about my fingers like lace.

In the past, Nathan hasn't liked going on walks with me when I had my camera with me.  At the drop of a hat, I would stop and focus my camera on an interesting bird, insect, flower, tree, animal . . . while Nathan would keep walking, unaware that he was now walking alone.  Often, I would waunder off the path or crouch down behind trees or bushes where he couldn't see me.  Thus occupied, I could remain focused for quite a while before I came back to reality.  In the mean time, Nathan would have been calling my name and looking for me, frustrated and (sometimes) panicking.  

For the last few years, I have made it a point to keep my camera at home when Nathan and I are out.  

I now have even nicer cameras and Brent takes me out to parks and places to look for good shots. 

Unfortunately for Nathan, though, my iPhone now has camera apps that provide me with an incredible, quality photo--so I have a great camera in my pocket at all times.  Whenever I see a plant or flower I don't recognize, I immediately stop moving and start taking photos. 

If I can, if the flower is a weed, I'll grab a handful of it and take it with me until we've gotten to our destination.  Then I arrange the specimen on the sidewalk or back seat of the car and take photos.  

It is easier to get focused pictures that way--and Nathan gets to keep his sanity.  Provides both of us a calmer quality of life.

And calm is good.  

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