Thursday, July 25, 2024

Words of Christ Notes




I have been asked to give a talk on feasting on the words of Christ, or more specifically, reading the scriptures.  I know that reading the scriptures will help us become closer to him, and scriptures can also help us with our daily lives.  I know that when I’m not feeling good, or I have a problem, then I can turn to the scriptures and find an answer.  Several times in my life, I just flip the scriptures open, and there is a verse that can help me, so I have a strong testimony that the scriptures were given to us to assist us with our individual struggles. 

The scriptures also tell stories and accounts of the ancient people, like Noah and Daniel, the troubles they had, and what they did to resolve them.  These stories can help us learn what life was like back in Jesus’ day, and the things that he taught them can also be applied to our daily lives.  Like Noah and the Ark.  Noah had to build the ark, and get all the animals on board, and also make sure he had all the food he needed, while everyone else was laughing at them.  We learn that we need to be prepared, and that we need to trust in the Lord.  We can also learn from this story that we need to remain true to what we know is right, no matter what anyone else thinks of us. 

There was a poem in the latest New Era that I liked, called Words of Wisdom- 


I marvel

That throughout the centuries

Of great poets,

Sages, authors, philosophers,


The wisest words

Ever spoken by man

Came from the lips

Of a humble



Our seminary teachers have encouraged us to read at least 10 minutes a day.  Reading for that short time will not take away from our other activities, it will help us to be strengthened spiritually.  I personally know that it’s hard to read even a few minutes a day, because Satan doesn’t want us to do something that will help us to grow stronger.

Elder L Lionel Kendrick of the Seventy said---

One of the strong scriptures in the BOM is Moroni 10:3-5---

I have a personal testimony of the scriptures, that they are true and that they will help us and teach us, if we will read them.

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