Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Beginning of the End of the World as I've Seen It

25 March 2020

Over the last two months the rate that the world has been changing has accelerated at an every increasing speed.  It's not that the earth has altered physically, but the state of the human beings who live thereupon has turned upside down.  A virus.  One of the tiniest viable particles known, the Corona Virus has halted all air, sea, and land travel.  Non-essential businesses have been closed for more than a week.  Grocery stores and the trucks that supply them, gas stations and semis full of fuel to refresh the local supplies--car repair and drug stores--doctors' offices . . . and, of course, hospitals are all still active.  The city couldn't function without garbage collection and the mail and package deliverers. 

With the population all suppose to be confined to their homes--but we do have a yard and a pool.

More tomorrow.  

I'd always imagined that wars between nations, earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes, fires and tornadoes would be the primary means of man's end.  This peacefully quiet absence of individuals is more like a scene from one of the apocalypse science fiction stories I've read over the years.  

YouTube videos have been following the CoVid-19 challenges by dredging up facts about past epidemics, promises to post videos daily rather than weekly, videos from people on lock down, and the obvious 24/7 news reports keeping everyone up-to-date on what is happening in the world because of the virus' appearance in the public domain.